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Black Labrador

Why Is My Dog Throwing Up Undigested Food?

No one enjoys knowing that their pet is ill, and if your dog is vomiting, it could be a sign of sickness. If your dog throws up undigested food, you might feel even more worried. So, why is your dog throwing up undigested food?  Your dog is throwing up undigested food because he’s expelling a…

Bottle of olive oil

Olive Oil and Dogs: 16 Great Benefits

As a health-conscious individual, you know how healthy olive oil is for your heart. With its abundant reserves of antioxidants and essential fatty acids, olive oil is also beneficial for your furry companion. Olive oil provides multiple health benefits to dogs of all ages and breeds. Here are the 16 benefits of olive oil for…

Best Sources of Iron for Dogs

A healthy, balanced diet is essential for any and every dog breed. Ensuring your furry friend has enough nutrients and minerals in its food intake (especially iron) is key for keeping your pup happy and healthy! Here are some of the best sources of iron for dogs: Red meat Eggs Beef liver Spinach Sardines Chicken…

Food Aggression in Dogs: How To Stop It

Dogs are the best, but sometimes they can be aggressive, especially regarding food. Luckily, there are ways to stop this behavior before it becomes a problem. Here’s how to stop food aggression in dogs:  Be consistent with meals. Don’t free-feed your dog. Don’t let your dog beg. Use a food puzzle. Feed your dog in…

Can Deer Eat Dog Food? What You Need To Know

Deer are herbivorous mammals found in a variety of biomes, from the tundra to the rainforest. These hoofed animals have high nutritional requirements that are necessary for their survival. Supplemental feeding of deer is not recommended by those uneducated about deer diets, as it may contribute to chronic wasting disease or even lead to injury…

dog with a speech bubble "how much do you spend on dog food each month"

Dog Owner Expenses: How Much Do You Spend on Dog Food per Month?

How much you spend on dog food per month is probably nominal compared to other expenses incurred by dog owners. However, food, unlike many other expenses, is not optional and cannot be postponed.  How much you spend on dog food per month is based on the number of dogs you own, how much they eat,…

I Ran Out of Dog Food: What Foods Can My Dog Eat?

When you go to feed your dog only to discover you’re out of dog food, you may wonder what foods you can give your furry friend. Turns out, there are plenty of good options you likely have on hand right now. However, it’s also important to know which foods are not okay to feed your…

Can Dogs Eat Raw Pork? (We Ask the Experts)

Dogs are carnivores and therefore need a lot of quality protein in their diet, so their guardians don’t think twice about feeding them meat, including pork. However, pork has health benefits and risks different from other types of meat. Are dogs safe if they eat raw pork? Dogs can eat raw pork, earning praise from…

Bottle of sparkling water

Can Dogs Drink Sparkling Water? (Is It Safe?)

Many dog owners are tempted to share almost anything they eat with their furry friends; understandably, it’s hard to resist their big brown eyes sometimes. But what about that bottle of sparkling water in your hand? Is it safe to pour some in your dog’s water bowl? Dogs can drink sparkling water. However, there’s a…

Dog sitting on a toilet

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Poop (With Diet Examples)

While dog poop isn’t the most glamorous subject, it’s an important one that all dog owners should be aware of since a dog’s feces can tell you a lot about its health! Now, here’s a question: do you know what’s normal and what isn’t when it comes to dog feces? Healthy dog poop is brown…