
Can Dogs Eat Mayo? (We Find Out)

Many pet owners err on the side of caution when it comes to feeding dogs, while others believe dogs can enjoy and eat anything humans can. We see them as family, so we want them to enjoy the foods we enjoy, especially when their pleading eyes are so cute. But can they eat things like…


Can Dogs Eat Molasses? (We Find Out)

Most people use molasses as a natural sweetener substitute for sugar and artificial sweeteners in preparing healthy treats for human consumption. However, as much as it’s safe for humans, is it okay for dogs to eat it? More importantly, should they eat it? Dogs can eat molasses, but only in small amounts. However, be sure…


Can Dogs Eat Mulberries? (We Find Out)

Mulberry trees grow wild, and there are lots of berries for the taking. Mulberries taste so good and grow all over the place, and dogs will occasionally dart to snack on them. But are they safe for your dog? Dogs can eat mulberries as they can strengthen your dog’s immune system. However, there are conditions…

Raspberries close up

Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? Let’s Find Out!

Dogs love raspberries as much as we do! However, you will want to offer them as a treat on occasion. Most people are surprised to learn that fruits and veggies are healthy for dogs to eat. Your dog can safely eat raspberries. Most berries are easy for dogs to chew and contain fiber, Vitamin C,…

Salmon with skin

Can Dogs Eat Salmon Skin? Let’s Find Out!

Your dog pays attention to you and watches everything you do. It trusts your judgment and wants to eat whatever you are having. Thanks to this habit, many dog owners are concerned about the effects of regular human food like salmon skin on their canine friends. You can feed your dog well-cooked salmon, which includes…

bag of chips

Can Dogs Eat Salt and Vinegar Chips (Read This First)

As a dog parent, it is hard to resist giving in to the temptation of feeding your dog table food when he pleads and begs. Although a dog will usually eat whatever you give him (and is especially interested in human food), it doesn’t mean your favorite snacks, such as salt and vinegar chips, are…

dog with a speech bubble "how much do you spend on dog food each month"

Dog Owner Expenses: How Much Do You Spend on Dog Food per Month?

How much you spend on dog food per month is probably nominal compared to other expenses incurred by dog owners. However, food, unlike many other expenses, is not optional and cannot be postponed.  How much you spend on dog food per month is based on the number of dogs you own, how much they eat,…

cheerios in a bowl

Can Dogs Eat Cheerios? (We Find Out)

Cheerios are a common breakfast food that many of us enjoy. They can also be tasty as a snack – so tasty that you may be wondering if you can share their deliciousness with your favorite furry friend. Dogs can safely eat Cheerios as a treat or training tool. However, you should only feed your…

Fig Newtons in a bowl

Can Dogs Eat Fig Newtons? (We Find Out)

Do you enjoy snacking on fig Newtons? If your dog snatches them when you’re not looking, you might be worried about how they’ll react. Is it possible for dogs to safely eat Fig Newtons? Dogs can eat Fig Newtons. If your pet happens to snatch a few, they should be fine. However, that doesn’t mean…

Gummy Bears in different colors

Can Dogs Eat Gummy Bears? (We Ask the Experts)

Does your dog follow you around while you snack on gummy bears? There are many reasons that you don’t want to give these gummy candies to your pet since they aren’t healthy for dogs to eat. However, you shouldn’t have to worry if your pup steals one or two. Dogs can eat gummy bears, as…