American Bully Dogs: Lifespan and Health Expectancy

  • By: Andrew
  • Time to read: 7 min.

American Bully dogs are a popular breed known for their muscular build and loyal temperament. As with any pet, it’s important to consider their lifespan before making the decision to bring one into your home. The American Bully breed is relatively new, having been created by breeding American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, and other breeds.

So, how long do American Bully dogs live? On average, American Bullies have a lifespan of 10-12 years. However, with proper care and nutrition, they could live up to 18 years or longer. It’s important to note that the lifespan of an American Bully may be affected by various factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health. It’s crucial to provide your American Bully with regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and plenty of exercise to help them live a long and healthy life.

American Bully: An Overview

The American Bully is a relatively new breed of dog that was developed in the United States in the 1990s. It is a muscular and sturdy breed that comes in several different sizes and types. In this section, we will discuss the appearance, temperament, and health issues of the American Bully.


The American Bully is a medium-sized breed that typically weighs between 30 and 70 pounds. There are several different types of American Bully, including the Standard, Pocket, Classic, and XL. The breed has a short, smooth coat that can come in a variety of colors and patterns.

The head of the American Bully is one of its most distinctive features. It is typically very blocky and muscular, with a broad muzzle and strong jaws. The ears can be cropped or left natural, and the eyes can be any color.


The American Bully is known for its affectionate and loyal personality. It is a great companion dog and is often considered a family dog. The breed is generally friendly and easy to train, making it a popular choice for pet owners.

While the American Bully has a reputation for being aggressive, this is largely due to its history as a fighting dog. With proper socialization and training, the breed can be gentle and safe around people and other animals.

Health Issues

Like all breeds of dog, the American Bully is prone to certain health issues. Some of the most common health problems in the breed include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, atopy, demodectic mange, cataracts, and cerebellar abiotrophy. It is important to work with a reputable breeder and veterinarian to ensure that your American Bully is healthy and well-cared for.

In terms of nutrition, the American Bully requires a balanced diet that is high in protein. Obesity can be a problem in the breed, so it is important to monitor your dog’s weight and provide plenty of exercise.

Overall, the American Bully is a friendly and energetic breed that can make a great companion for the right owner. With proper care and attention, these dogs can live long and healthy lives.

Lifespan of American Bully Dogs

The American Bully is a popular breed of dog that is known for its muscular build and loyal personality. If you’re considering getting an American Bully, it’s important to understand their lifespan and how to care for them to ensure a long and healthy life.

On average, American Bullies have a lifespan of 10-12 years. However, with proper care and nutrition, they can live up to 18 years or longer. It’s important to note that different breeds come in different shapes and sizes, so their lifespan can vary.

To ensure a long and healthy life for your American Bully, it’s important to take them to the vet regularly and keep an eye out for any health issues. Some common health problems that American Bullies can experience include hip dysplasia, skin allergies, and heart disease. By catching these issues early and treating them promptly, you can help your American Bully live a longer and healthier life.

In addition to regular vet visits, it’s important to provide your American Bully with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. American Bullies are an active breed, so they need plenty of opportunities to run and play. A well-balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats can help keep your American Bully in top shape.

Overall, if you’re considering getting an American Bully, it’s important to understand their lifespan and how to care for them. With proper care and attention, your American Bully can live a long and healthy life as a beloved member of your family.

Factors that Affect the Lifespan of American Bully Dogs

When it comes to the lifespan of American Bully dogs, several factors come into play. Here are some of the most important factors that can affect the lifespan of an American Bully:


Genetics play a significant role in determining how long your American Bully will live. It’s essential to choose a reputable breeder who breeds healthy dogs with no genetic defects or health issues. By doing so, you can minimize the risk of your dog developing health problems that can shorten their lifespan.


Proper nutrition is essential for the health and longevity of your American Bully. A well-balanced diet that meets all of your dog’s nutritional needs can help prevent health problems that can shorten their lifespan. On the other hand, a poor diet can lead to obesity, which is a significant risk factor for many health problems.


Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining your American Bully’s health and longevity. Exercise helps keep your dog’s muscles and joints healthy, prevents obesity, and reduces the risk of many health problems. It’s important to provide your dog with enough exercise every day to keep them healthy and happy.

Other factors that can affect the lifespan of an American Bully include their overall health, the quality of veterinary care they receive, and their living conditions. By paying attention to these factors and providing your American Bully with the care they need, you can help ensure that they live a long and healthy life.

How to Increase the Lifespan of American Bully Dogs

Taking care of your American Bully dog is an essential part of increasing its lifespan. The following are some tips on how to increase the lifespan of your American Bully dog.

Regular Vet Check-Ups

Regular vet check-ups are crucial to maintain a healthy life for your American Bully dog. Puppies should visit the veterinarian more frequently because of the series of vaccinations that are commonly done in a three-week interval. It should start with a seven-way shot. As long as you take excellent care of them, your American bully could live between 10 and 13 years. One of the things you need to do to ensure a long life for your American bully is to keep an eye out for common health problems and talk to your vet if you have any concerns about them.

Proper Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for the health of your American Bully dog. Feeding your dog a healthy diet is essential to increase its lifespan. The American Bully dog should have a well-balanced diet that includes protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. You should avoid feeding your dog table scraps, which can cause obesity and other health problems.

Adequate Exercise

Adequate exercise is necessary to maintain good health for your American Bully dog. Daily exercise can help your dog maintain a healthy weight, improve its cardiovascular health, and reduce stress. You should take your American Bully dog for daily walks and engage it in activities such as fetch, tug-of-war, and other fun games.

Socialization and Training

Socialization and training are essential for the mental and emotional well-being of your American Bully dog. Socializing your dog with people and other dogs can help reduce anxiety, aggression, and other behavioral problems. Training your dog to obey commands, such as sit, stay, come, and heel, can help keep it safe and reduce the risk of accidents.

In conclusion, taking care of your American Bully dog is essential to increase its lifespan. Regular vet check-ups, proper nutrition, adequate exercise, socialization, and training are essential to maintain good health and well-being for your American Bully dog. By following these tips, you can help ensure a long and healthy life for your American Bully dog.


In conclusion, the American Bully is a breed of dog that can live for an average of 10-12 years. However, with proper care and attention, they can live up to 15 years. As with any dog breed, there are certain health issues that American Bullies may face, and it is important to be aware of these potential problems.

Some of the most common health issues that American Bullies may face include hip dysplasia, skin allergies, and heart disease. It is important to take your American Bully to the vet regularly to ensure that they are healthy and to catch any potential health problems early on.

To help your American Bully live a long and healthy life, it is important to provide them with a balanced and nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of love and attention. Make sure that your American Bully has access to fresh water at all times, and keep them up to date on their vaccinations and preventative care.

Overall, the American Bully is a loyal and loving companion that can make a great addition to any family. With proper care and attention, they can live a long and happy life, bringing joy and companionship to their owners for many years to come.