How to Breed an American Bully: Essential Tips and Techniques

  • By: Andrew
  • Time to read: 9 min.

Breeding an American Bully is a complex process that requires a significant amount of knowledge and care. The American Bully breed has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many breeders striving to create the perfect specimen. However, as with any type of breeding, there are varying perspectives on how best to achieve this goal.

The American Bully breed is a relatively new breed, having been developed in the 1990s from a combination of various bulldog breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and Bulldog. The breed was created to be a companion dog and has quickly gained popularity due to its loyal and friendly nature. However, breeding an American Bully is not a simple process and requires careful consideration of various factors, including genetics, health, and temperament.

If you are interested in breeding an American Bully, it is important to do your research and ensure that you are prepared for the responsibility. The American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) and United Kennel Club (UKC) are two organizations that provide information and support to breeders. Additionally, it is important to work with a reputable breeder who has experience in breeding American Bullies and can provide guidance throughout the process.

Choosing a Breeder

When it comes to breeding an American Bully, choosing the right breeder is a crucial step in the process. You want to make sure you are working with someone who is knowledgeable, experienced, and ethical. Here are some things to consider when choosing a breeder.

Researching Breeders

Before you commit to working with a breeder, it is important to do your research. Look for breeders who have a good reputation in the American Bully community and who are registered with reputable organizations such as the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC). You can also ask for recommendations from other American Bully owners or breeders.

When researching breeders, take the time to read their website and social media pages. Look for information about their breeding program, bloodlines, and kennel facility. A good breeder will be transparent about their breeding practices and will provide detailed information about their dogs.

Evaluating Breeder Quality

Once you have a list of potential breeders, it is time to evaluate their quality. Schedule a visit to their kennel facility and ask to meet their dogs. Look for dogs that are healthy, well-cared for, and have good temperaments.

Ask the breeder about their breeding program and their goals for the American Bully breed. A good breeder will have a clear plan for their breeding program and will be able to explain their goals in detail.

You should also ask about their experience with progesterone testing and artificial insemination, as these are important tools for successful breeding. A good breeder will have experience with these procedures and will be able to provide guidance and support throughout the breeding process.

Finally, ask for references from other American Bully owners who have worked with the breeder. A good breeder will be happy to provide references and will have a track record of producing healthy, well-tempered puppies.

In conclusion, choosing the right breeder is essential for successful American Bully breeding. Take the time to research and evaluate potential breeders to ensure that you are working with someone who is knowledgeable, experienced, and ethical.

Understanding the American Bully Breed Standard

When it comes to breeding American Bullies, understanding the breed standard is crucial. The American Bully breed standard is a set of guidelines that breeders use to maintain the quality of the breed and improve it. This breed standard also acts as a guide for judges to evaluate American Bullies in competitions.

Head and Body Structure

The American Bully breed is known for its large, blocky head and muscular body. The head should be proportionate to the body and have a broad, deep skull. The muzzle should be short and wide, with a well-defined stop. The jaws should be strong and well-defined, with a scissor bite.

The body of the American Bully should be muscular and well-defined, with a broad chest and deep ribs. The shoulders should be strong and well-muscled, with a level topline and a slightly sloping croup.

Size and Weight

The American Bully breed comes in several varieties, each with its own size and weight standards. The Standard variety should be between 17 and 20 inches tall at the withers for males, and between 16 and 19 inches tall for females. The weight should be in proportion to the height and body structure.

Coat and Color

The American Bully breed can come in a variety of coat colors and patterns, including solid colors, brindle, and piebald. The coat should be short, smooth, and glossy, with a soft texture. The skin should be tight and free of wrinkles.

Ears and Eyes

The ears of the American Bully breed can be either cropped or uncropped. If cropped, they should be erect and pointed. If uncropped, they should be small to medium in size and set high on the head. The eyes should be round or almond-shaped, with an alert and intelligent expression.

In summary, understanding the American Bully breed standard is essential for breeders and judges alike. The breed standard covers various aspects of the American Bully breed, including head and body structure, size and weight, coat and color, and ears and eyes. By following the breed standard, breeders can maintain the quality of the American Bully breed and improve it for future generations.

Caring for Your American Bully

Breeding an American Bully is a big responsibility, and it is important to provide proper care for your dog. Here are some tips on how to care for your American Bully.

Training and Exercise

Training and exercise are crucial to the well-being of your American Bully. These dogs are loyal and confident, and they make great family companions. However, they can be prone to dog aggression if not properly trained and socialized. It is important to start training your American Bully as early as possible and to socialize them with other dogs and people.

In terms of exercise, American Bullies require a moderate amount of physical activity. They enjoy going for walks, playing fetch, and running around in a fenced yard. However, it is important not to over-exercise your American Bully, as they can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia.

Health and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for the health of your American Bully. It is important to feed them a high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age and activity level. American Bullies can be prone to certain health issues such as allergies, so it is important to monitor their diet and watch for any signs of food intolerance.

Regular visits to the vet are also important to ensure the health of your American Bully. Vet bills can add up quickly, so it is important to budget for these expenses.

Temperament and Behavior

American Bullies are known for their loyal and confident temperament. They make great family companions and are often referred to as “companion dogs.” However, it is important to monitor their behavior and watch for any signs of aggression. Proper training and socialization can help prevent dog aggression, but it is important to be aware of the potential for this behavior.

In conclusion, caring for your American Bully requires proper training, exercise, nutrition, and monitoring of their temperament and behavior. With proper care, your American Bully can be a loyal and loving family companion for many years to come.

Breeding Your American Bully

Breeding an American Bully can be a rewarding and exciting experience. It is important to understand the breeding process and take the necessary steps to ensure the health and well-being of both the dam and sire, as well as the puppies. In this section, we will cover the basics of breeding your American Bully, including mating, pregnancy and development, and caring for puppies.


When it comes to mating your American Bully, it is important to choose a healthy and compatible mate. Consider the bloodline, genetics, physical traits, mass, build, structure, stability, and other physical attributes of both the dam and sire. The kennel club can provide valuable information on bloodlines and pedigrees.

Mating can be done naturally or through artificial insemination. Progesterone testing can help determine the optimal time for breeding. Once the dam is pregnant, it is important to monitor her health and provide proper nutrition and exercise.

Pregnancy and Development

Pregnancy in American Bullies typically lasts around 63 days. During this time, the dam should receive regular veterinary care and be provided with a comfortable and safe environment. Proper nutrition and exercise are also important during pregnancy.

As the puppies develop, it is important to monitor their growth and development. Regular veterinary care and proper nutrition are essential to ensure the health of the puppies.

Caring for Puppies

Once the puppies are born, it is important to provide them with proper care and socialization. This includes regular veterinary care, proper nutrition, and exposure to new experiences and people.

As the puppies grow, it is important to monitor their development and provide appropriate training and socialization. This will help ensure that they grow into healthy and well-adjusted adult American Bullies.

Breeding an American Bully can be a complex process, but with proper planning and care, it can be a rewarding experience. Remember to consider the health and well-being of both the dam and sire, as well as the puppies, throughout the breeding process.

Misconceptions about the American Bully Breed

The American Bully breed has been the subject of many misconceptions over the years. These misconceptions have led some people to believe that the breed is dangerous and aggressive, which is not true. In this section, we will explore some of the most common misconceptions about the American Bully breed.

Misconception 1: American Bully breeds are dangerous and aggressive

One of the most common misconceptions about the American Bully breed is that they are dangerous and aggressive. This misconception is largely due to the breed’s muscular and intimidating appearance. However, the truth is that the American Bully breed is not inherently dangerous or aggressive. In fact, the breed is known for being friendly, affectionate, and loyal.

Misconception 2: American Bully breeds are human aggressive

Another common misconception about the American Bully breed is that they are human aggressive. This misconception is not true. The American Bully breed is known for being friendly and affectionate towards humans, including children. However, it is important to note that any dog, regardless of breed, can become aggressive if they are mistreated or poorly socialized.

Misconception 3: American Bully breeds are dog aggressive

Another common misconception about the American Bully breed is that they are dog aggressive. This misconception is not entirely true. While some American Bully breeds may be dog aggressive, this is not a trait that is inherent in the breed. In fact, many American Bully breeds are known for being friendly and social with other dogs.

Misconception 4: American Bully breeds are not friendly

Some people believe that the American Bully breed is not friendly. This is not true. The American Bully breed is known for being friendly, affectionate, and loyal towards their owners. In fact, the breed is often referred to as the “Pacific Bulldog” because of their gentle and friendly nature.

In conclusion, the American Bully breed has been the subject of many misconceptions over the years. It is important to understand that the breed is not inherently dangerous or aggressive. Like any dog, the American Bully breed can become aggressive if they are mistreated or poorly socialized. However, with proper training and socialization, the American Bully breed can make a wonderful and loyal companion.


Breeding American Bullies requires careful consideration and preparation. It is essential to obtain guidance from experienced breeders or veterinarians who can counsel you during every step of the process. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • The American Bully is an ultimate companion and a confident family dog, known for its gentle demeanor towards children and its surprising ability to pick up on the emotions of their owners.
  • The breed comes in different types and classes, including the XL class, pocket, XL, and micro. The physique of the American Bully is muscular, with strength and power being a prominent feature.
  • If you plan to breed American Bullies, it is crucial to research the breed thoroughly and understand the breeding process. You should also be prepared to invest in vet bills for things like progesterone testing, artificial insemination, and caring for the puppies.
  • The American Bully Kennel Club is the primary registry for the breed in the United States, and they have specific guidelines and regulations that breeders must follow.
  • Breeding American Bullies can be a rewarding experience, but it is not for everyone. It requires a significant amount of time, effort, and resources to do it right.

In conclusion, breeding American Bullies is a complex process that requires careful consideration and preparation. If you decide to become a breeder, make sure you research the breed thoroughly and seek guidance from experienced breeders or veterinarians. Remember that the American Bully is an ultimate companion and a confident family dog, known for its muscular physique, strength, and power. With the right knowledge and resources, breeding American Bullies can be a rewarding experience.