Picture of raw meat from the grocery

Can You Feed Your Dog Raw Meat From the Grocery?

Of course, we all want the best for our dogs, but some of us are on a budget. Are you considering the transition from kibble to raw food for your dog? There is a lot to learn with this transition, like if you can feed them raw meat from your local grocery store. You can…

Dog infront of a fridge

7 Reasons Why Canned Dog Food Needs To Be Refrigerated

If you feed your dog canned dog food, did you know that you need to refrigerate it once opened? Canned dog food is no different from food for human consumption in that proper storage is crucial. While that may surprise you, there are several reasons why canned dog food needs to be refrigerated. Canned dog…

3 Puppies eating

This Is What Lab Breeders Feed Their Dogs

What you feed your dog can directly affect their health and the length of their lives. Low-quality food that is full of preservatives and fillers may sometimes include ingredients that are unsafe for consumption. So what should your lab be eating? Lab breeders feed their dogs food that is high in protein, chondroitin, glucosamine, calcium,…

The Best 8 Canned Dog Food for Picky Eaters

According to the American Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 56% of dogs in America are on the heavy side, but some dog owners have the opposite problem. While some dogs gobble up just about everything, others need a little push to clear their plate, and if you have such a picky eater, dry kibble won’t…

Dog eating canned dog food from a bowl

A Dog Owner’s Guide to Canned Dog Food and Diarrhea

A study revealed that the prevalence of diarrhea in dogs was mainly attributed to the type of food that a dog eats. There are many choices for choosing the best dog food, such as canned, dry, and semi-moist. The best foods should be delicious, lean, safe, and offer good nutrition. Canned dog food is great…

The Best 10 Canned Dog Foods Without Guar Gum

Preventing your dog’s stomach problems starts by choosing the best canned dog foods that omit harmful ingredients, such as Guar gum. Frequently used during food processing to bind together ingredients, Guar gum can lead to long-term indigestion and bowel issues in many dogs. To better optimize your dog’s health, consider switching to canned dog food…

Dog eating from a bowl

7 of the Best Canned Dog Food Without Chicken or Beef

Protein is the building ground for healthy, delicious, and complete dog meals. Thus, chicken and beef are common ingredients in canned dog foods because they are rich, affordable, and readily available protein sources. However, sometimes, your dog can develop sensitivity, intolerance, or allergies to these ingredients. The best canned dog food without chicken or beef…

Picture of a dog eating kibble from a bowl

Why Dog Swallows Kibble Without Chewing

It’s not unusual for your dog to be excited about food (who doesn’t like food?). So, you have probably witnessed your dog swallow food without even chewing it too. That type of behavior does have its reasoning, though. Dogs swallow kibble without chewing because they follow their instincts when it comes to food. Unlike humans,…

Picture of a Banana Bread

Can Dogs Eat Banana Bread? We Ask the Experts!

We love our canines, but sometimes they get into things they shouldn’t; or sometimes, we can’t resist their sweet puppy dog eyes, and we slip them a little bit of our snack. What do these modest indiscretions mean for the health of our best friends? Dogs can eat banana bread in small amounts. A few…

Dog drinking water from a bowl

Can a Dog Go 8 Hours Without Water?

Did you forget to fill up Fido’s water bowl before running out the door on your way to work this morning? We have all been there – late, frantic, and forgetful as we rush out the door, but how does that affect your best canine companion? A dog can go eight hours without water. However,…